Every effort has been undertaken to provide a correct narration and description of the WHO ILAR COPCORD. Several COPCORD investigators and experts have contributed information regarding their site and program to this website. Several COPCORD have provided observations and data to their best of ability. This is an ongoing site which will be revised and updated from time to time. The manager of the website and Center for Rheumatic Diseases, Pune have tried to verify all the details posted on this website but are not responsible for any errors of omission and commission. The reader is advised to contact the appropriate COPCORD person for verification in case of doubt or prior to any further use of the information collected from this website. This website is not meant to impart medical information or advise for treatment of arthritis, rheumatism and allied disorders. No part of the website contents should be reproduced or used for any non academic and non research purpose without the written explicit permission of the manager of this website.